Thursday, October 20, 2011

Naming Toothless...

As most of you know, I'm a little bit of an over achiever, so of course I've had an idea of what I was going to name my little dragon LONG before it was even a thought in my mind to have one! I've got Brian on board with a name if it's a girl, but he's a little iffy with the boys names.

Let's go over something first, my family has a "Naming Tradition", everyone has a name that starts with "J" (except Matt & Mike, but my mom says she regrets that, but i digress) so I told Brian I would like our dragon baby (at least the first one) to have a 'J' name. Luckily, him being the good Hubby he is, he agreed! Then he proceeded to mock my names for boys one by one, but he says some are growing on him. Why don't you tell me what you think? The names I like are:

  • Jaxson
  • Jax (or Jack)
  • Jarrett
  • Jude

Jaxson is by far my favorite, but Hubby thinks it might be to many N sounds in Jaxson Watson...whatever! I have always LOVED the name, so much so that there is a "don't touch the name if you plan on living" order with family and friends! I always like to have kids names be a little different, that's why I prefer Jax to Jack, but either would work. Hubby says that Jax is a Mortal Kombat character, but I don't care! I ♥ it!!

I like Jarrett, but worry that it resembles Jared too much, but maybe that's not so bad! And then we have Jude, I like Jude, but I'm not in love with it...I think it could be a little feminine and I just cant have that! lol.

I know we have a couple more months before we find out what our dragon baby is, so for now Toothless will have to do, but what names do you all like if it's a boy?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Bad Dragon...VERY Bad Dragon

I feel like my first trimester is N-E-V-E-R going to end!! Brian seems to think I'm a big baby, and lets face it, I probably am, but that doesn't matter because I'm PREGNANT!!! Here are some of the oh-so-lovely joys of my pregnancy up til now:

Total Dragon Age: 9 Weeks

Mommy Weight: +1 (but after lunch it could be -2 see below)

Symptoms: My little dragon wants his/her presence to be known. Morning sickness doesn't even begin to cover it, I have ALL DAY sickness. Last week I gave in because a Snickers (my favorite candy of all time) sounded AMAZING to me. Little did I know that my little Toothless does not care for Snickers.....I am well aware now. So I began to think "my little dragon is just trying to watch my figure...I'll eat a salad", boy was I WRONG! Toothless does NOT like salad AT ALL, or grilled chicken....or steak. One of my other favorite foods (shrimp) is also not to Toothless' liking. I learned this after a go around with my Mother and a plate of shrimp linguine from Red Lobster....mommy is NOT a fan of Toothless' eating habits (or lack there of)

Cravings: Well, not so much cravings, but the only foods I can keep down so far are Sour Patch Kids, Lemon Heads, War Heads, Fuji Apples and Spinach Dip with Carrots, Cheese Brats and Red Gatorade. This is Brian's Dragon...I am convinced.

What I Miss: Feeling normal, eating foods that I like, not feeling nauseous, not falling asleep at 9pm, and my 4 Diet Cokes a day.

What I Like: I feel like a bad mom for saying that there isn't much that I like right now except for the fact that I will be done with my first trimester in a couple of weeks! I'm looking forward to finding out the dragon's sex and picking out names, and designing the nursery....but right now, my favorite thing is SLEEP!!

Well, my next doctors appointment is October 26th and we'll have our 10 week tests and another update from mommy and Toothless, until then, here is the first picture of our little Dragon:

See you all soon!

Jackie & Toothless