Monday, September 26, 2011

What's In A Name...

Why hello good friends, and welcome to How To Have A Dragon! You might be wondering, "what kind of stuff are you smoking that would make you pick THAT name for your blog?" No, I am not a weird Sci-fi Dungeons and Dragons person, I don't spend hours in my room studying every aspect of Lord of the Rings, but I do have my dear husband to thank for the unique blog name.

You see we found out we were expecting our cute little dragon about 2 weeks ago, and me being me, I instantly went to the "OMG what will it be!" question. So I asked Brian, "honey, what do you think it is, a boy or a girl?" To which he responded (and for those of you who know him, this will NOT be a shock) "It's going to be a DRAGON!" I started laughing, my sister-in-law started making fun of us, I came up with a clever Lindsay Lohan Firecrotch joke, and the rest is history!

We now refer to the baby as "dragon" or "Toothless" (the name of the dragon from How To Train Your Dragon) my Sister-in-Law still makes fun of us, and it's all become a very funny joke. I'm sure it will continue through much of the pregnancy, well at least until we figure out what it is...then we MIGHT refer to it by name!

I've got my first Ultrasound (US) on Wednesday, then I might go public with this blog....until then...

Jackie & Toothless ♥